Our Mission

As B.C. public servants we are committed to upholding the rights of all peoples, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are profoundly concerned by the implementation of mandatory proof of vaccination policies in our workplaces, the violation of employees’ medical privacy and human rights, and the associated coercion, discrimination and censorship of employees by public sector employers.

These infringements on the rights and freedoms of workers are grave threats to our democracy and the livelihood of all Canadians. Medical coercion and the violation of human rights are contrary to public service values.

We invite everyone who supports our cause to join with us to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of all British Columbians.

Legal Campaign

BCPS Employees for Freedom is a registered not-for-profit society in the Province of British Columbia. We are a diverse group of public servants who stand together for medical privacy and bodily autonomy to protect our colleagues, families, the communities we serve and future generations.

We are leading a legal campaign to bring about accountability and justice for the B.C. government’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate for B.C. Public Service employees that resulted in hundreds of unnecessary wrongful terminations, thousands of early retirements, and the violation of 38,000 public servants’ medical privacy and bodily autonomy. We hold regular member meetings and advocate on behalf of current and former public servants of municipal, provincial and federal government organizations, and publicly funded non-governmental organizations, in British Columbia. 

Our legal campaign is a critical, precedent-setting fight to ensure the preservation of all workers’ employment and Charter rights in British Columbia and Canada for generations to come. We appreciate your support!

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Commentary from retired lawyer, Anne O'Neil, in yesterday's @timescolonist: "We need to try to reduce divisiveness in our society."

We agree. We'd love to speak to Ms. O'Neil. #medicalprivacy #bodilyautonomy #respect

@bcpsef Had the pleasure of speaking to Darold at an IHA team building session. He made an effort to speak to all in attendance, was very interesting and kept us all engaged. Really feel that IHA lost a one of the good guys. Looking forward to this meeting.

We are pleased to host former Interior Health executive Darold Sturgeon at our next BCPSEF member meeting on Dec. 15.

Mr. Sturgeon was fired in November 2021 for exercising his s. 2a Charter right to freedom of conscience and religion when he declined the B.C. government's…

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