Our Mission
As B.C. public servants we are committed to upholding the rights of all peoples, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are profoundly concerned by the implementation of mandatory proof of vaccination policies in our workplaces, the violation of employees’ medical privacy and human rights, and the associated coercion, discrimination and censorship of employees by public sector employers.
These infringements on the rights and freedoms of workers are grave threats to our democracy and the livelihood of all Canadians. Medical coercion and the violation of human rights are contrary to public service values.
We invite everyone who supports our cause to join with us to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of all British Columbians.
Legal Campaign
Class Action Certification Hearing: April 28, 2025
After a span of over three years, all mandates are lifted, but terminated public employees were not extended an invitation to return to their positions.
BCPSEF Vice President Jason Baldwin is the representative plaintiff in a class action lawsuit filed in October 2023 on behalf of all unionized BC Public Service (BCPS) employees affected by the B.C. government’s 2021-2023 proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate.
The certification hearing date for the Class Action has been scheduled for April 2025. Although the action has been launched by one plaintiff, it is being brought on behalf of all unionized employees of the BC Public Service harmed by the Province’s vaccine mandate. As such, it has the potential to assert the rights of tens of thousands of unionized public servants in British Columbia. The plaintiff has filed this action because the Province’s COVID-19 employee vaccine mandate, enacted by executive order of the provincial Cabinet, was contrary to public service employees’ Charter rights and violated their medical privacy and bodily autonomy. In April 2024 an Amended Notice of Civil Claim was filed. Baldwin and Perepolkin-Ferguson (United Health Care Workers of BC) class action certification applications joined. Both claims on behalf of affected B.C. public servants and health care workers will seek certification together.
Our legal campaign is a critical, precedent-setting fight to ensure the preservation of all workers’ employment and Charter rights in British Columbia and Canada for generations to come.
BCPSEF is actively fundraising to support the costs of the legal process. The most important step in this legal battle is to ensure the class is certified. For that, the plaintiff must show the court he has the financial ability to fund the case. This is why BCPSEF is supporting this action and asking people to help raise funds for the plaintiff. If the plaintiff can’t demonstrate the ability to cover these costs, the class action will not be certified, leaving thousands of affected employees affected by the mandates with no legal options for recourse.
We depend on donations to fund our efforts and are very grateful and sincerely thank everyone who gives any amount they can. By donating towards the class action, you can participate in a collective effort to uphold and defend individual rights and freedoms.
Anyone can make a donation to BCPSEF to help support our Mission and any British Columbia resident may become a member.
United We Stand
BCPS Employees for Freedom is a registered not-for-profit society in the Province of British Columbia. We are a diverse group of public servants who stand together for medical privacy and bodily autonomy to protect our colleagues, families, the communities we serve and future generations.
We are leading a legal campaign to bring about accountability and justice for the B.C. government’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate for B.C. Public Service employees that resulted in hundreds of unnecessary wrongful terminations, thousands of early retirements, and the violation of 38,000 public servants’ medical privacy and bodily autonomy. We hold regular member meetings and advocate on behalf of current and former public servants of municipal, provincial and federal government organizations, and publicly funded non-governmental organizations, in British Columbia.
BCPSEF Legal Action Summary
Learn more about all of the legal action BCPSEF has been engaged in or supported since we formed in 2021. From the Petition for Injunction and Judicial Review launched in 2021, to the class action lawsuit we are supporting now, you can find all the details in one place.
Explore how the BCPS Employees for Freedom Society is advocating for employee freedoms and driving meaningful change.
Two Donors Offer to Match up to $30,000K for Class Action Lawsuit
MEDIA RELEASE: B.C. Public Servant & Health Care Worker Class Action Lawsuits to Seek Certification Together
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#bchealth is corrupt.
God forbid any serious government misfeasance get out through this sham of an FOI process brought to you by the @bcndp, let alone amounts spent on bureaucrats' per diems, catered meals, and travel expenses.
@GlobalBC Kudos to the employee who put their job on the line by leaking this.
A "significant portion" of opioids prescribed by doctors and pharmacists in British Columbia are being diverted, and prescribed alternatives are being trafficked provincially, nationally and internationally, a Ministry of Health document says.