As we approach the end of the year, the BCPS Employees for Freedom executive team would like to wish everyone an enjoyable and safe holiday season and give thanks for helping create the kind of impact that changes the world!  

As a non-profit society, it is important to have a mindset of abundance. Taking the time to recognize your achievements allows you the chance to pinpoint exactly what worked so that you can repeat it in the future.  Taking pride in your accomplishments by celebrating them—even the small ones—can boost your self-confidence and motivate you to achieve more.  In fact, pride is one of a select group of emotions that produces success.

The society has done a TON of work over this past year and we’d like to share our successes and thank everyone who contributed to our cause.

Our success over the last year has come from people like you. We are grateful for you and your support of the BCPS Employees for Freedom Society. Thank you for walking this powerful journey with us!


We invite everyone who supports our cause to join with us to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of all British Columbians.

We wholeheartedly thank you and we are excited for 2023 and can’t wait to see how much more we can do together!

BCPS Employees for Freedom Society Collective Impact 2022

BCPSEF, a group that came together on Telegram, has 700 members where we stay connected, share information and support each other:

    • Held regular Telegram calls for all members
    • 25+ meetings as a large group
    • 31+ executive meetings
  • Started multiple Telegram channels including regional channels to enable people to more easily connect with others where they live
  • Organized regional in person picnics and potlucks across British Columbia

Hired lawyer Umar Sheikh ~ Thank you to Umar Sheikh and Sheikh Law for everything they are doing to support our fight:

  • Karmic retainer agreement created to continue our legal actions which allows us to pay what we can fundraise
  • Prospered from all the hard work of volunteers (past and present) with collection of member evidence, information, administration, communications and fundraising in support of the legal action and the continuous forward movement of our mission
  • Formed a Research and Analysis team (15+ volunteers)
    • Sent out 22 Freedom of Information requests (several of which required following up information and privacy commissioner on several)
    • Created a jurisdictional scan of provincial vaccine mandates across the country
    • Collected, analyzed and graphed Covid data and related information
    • Brought a motion forward at the PEA annual general meeting to survey all union members on the impacts of the Vaccine mandates – motion was passed

Became a registered not-for-profit Society!

Fundraising efforts through multiple platforms raised a total of $160,000!

  • Includes receiving a $25,000 anonymous donation for our legal challenge!
  • BCPSEF Merchandise (buttons & flags) have raised $450.00!
  • Giving Tuesday raised upwards of $700.00!

Through multiple channels, educated the public and raised awareness of who we are and our fight standing for medical privacy and bodily autonomy:

    Media Coverage of our group’s efforts:

    Our success over the last year has come from people like you. We are grateful for you and your support of the BCPS Employees for Freedom Society. Thank you for walking this powerful journey with us!

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    Return cans & bottles

    to any Return-it location using our
    BCPSEF account #123-123-1233