GiveSendGo and Fundraising Update

April 7, 2022

Dear BCPSEF Members,

We have launched a new public fundraising campaign on GiveSendGo! (See link: We have chosen this platform because it is more public, more readily shareable across social media and it brings more profile, both nationally and internationally, to our cause. GiveSendGo will be BCPSEF’s primary crowdfunding campaign going forward. We will however maintain our Rally Up campaign, which is associated with our BCGEU legal challenge registration and fundraiser, and PayPal as alternate donation methods. As of right now, though, the Donate button on the BCPSEF website fundraising page takes you to GiveSendGo!

Please rest assured that all of these donation methods send your donations to the BCPSEF Society’s bank account (yes, we now have a bank account for our not-for-profit society!) to then be deposited in trust with our law firm, Crease Harman LLP. We are represented by British Columbia’s oldest and most eminent law firm (established 1866) and are in full compliance with all regulations and requirements for the lawful activity of publicly soliciting donations to support our legal actions on behalf of BCPSEF members.   

We have a current fundraising target of $150,000 for our GiveSendGo campaign. That certainly sounds like a lot of money to any one of us individually, but to hundreds and thousands of small donors from across B.C., Canada and the world that is but a paltry sum! To get our story and fundraiser to that many people, though, we need your help.

We are looking for volunteers to support BCPSEF’s mission by joining our Promotions Team. We need people who will develop strategies and actions for getting our story and fundraiser to as many eyeballs as possible. We know we have a lot of creative, dynamic and very capable public servants in this group! Please contact today if you feel this call to action and have a desire in your heart to help your colleagues by supporting this mission.

Please remember, friends and fellow BCPS Employees for Freedom, the following words:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

Thank you all for your continued support!

BCPSEF Executive Team