Contact Your BC MLA to End the Vaccine Passport System

As we are all aware, by order of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), proof of full vaccination is required to access many events, services and businesses in B.C. The requirement is in place until January 31, 2022 and could be extended.  Let’s tell our government officials that we are not okay with these measures going beyond this month. We will not stand by the divisiveness they have promoted and created. These letters are to meant to address with our elected officials how many people are suffering, upset, disappointed, and embarrassed to be living in a country that has promoted divisiveness and bias.

You can send a letter to your local Member of Legislative Assembly in British Columbia before January 31, 2022 to express your dissent for vaccine mandates. Below the letter templates are links to lists of MLAs.

Single Writer – Generic Version
Credit to for providing the letter template.

Multiple Writers (Household) – Extended Version with information added about Indian Hospitals, reconciliation, pregnant/trying to conceive/breast-feeding women, and the Nuremberg Principles. Please note this version is written from the perspective that multiple people are signing, please update the ‘we’s to ‘I’s if sending as a single person or use the template above.

List of BC Members of Legislative Assembly

Map of BC Electoral Districts

You may wish to send a similar letter to your elected Member of Parliament. Note the letter templates provided are geared towards the provincial MLA and mention the provincial vaccine mandate in place. Please update the letter to reference federal mandates and responsibilities.

List of British Columbia’s Current Members of Parliament

Map of Canadian Electoral Districts

Filing a Complaint Against Justin Trudeau for Hate Crime

On December 29, 2021, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared on a French-speaking television channel in Canada. He was asked about ways to deal with the “pandemic” that’s been ongoing for two years and the issue of vaccine hesitancy. He said the following:

“We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination…There is still a part of the population fiercely against it. They don’t believe in science or progress and are very often misogynistic and racist…They take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?”

Justin Trudeau

What Trudeau said constitutes a hate crime toward an “identifiable group”. Anyone wishing to file a hate crime against the PM can do so by following the instructions below.

Send a letter or email to:

The Honourable David Lametti
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

I, FIRST AND LAST NAME, being a resident of Canada hereby state:

That on/or about December 29, 2021, Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, stated on a public television broadcast in Quebec, that those who have not been vaccinated are very often “misogynists and racists”, he then stated that “they don’t believe in science/progress”. Finally, Mr. Trudeau went on to make the statement “This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? “And “that they take up some space.”

As a citizen of Canada who resides in the Province of PROVINCE, and who is identifiable when proof of vaccine is requested or when I may participate in lawful, peaceful gatherings; these comments have now left me fearing for my safety, afraid to go out in public, fearful of reprisals, fearful that i may be subject to violence, experiencing.

These egregious statements were made for the purpose of promoting hatred and violence against an identifiable group, specifically; individuals who have not received any or all Covid-19 Vaccination doses.

I am asking that charges, pursuant to The Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) s. 319(1) and 319(2) be laid and proceeded upon immediately.

Signed this date_________________ in the City of____________________ Province of______________
Phone Number:_____________________________

Take Action Canada – Stop Justin Trudeau’s Hate Speech

Take Action Canada also has equipped their readers with a similar set of options to inform the government of Canada that Canadian citizens are not okay with the Prime Minister’s words and actions.

They are asking you to sign their petition and send a letter to the Honourable David Lametti and your elected Member of Parliament.

Link to the currently elected Members of Parliament:

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