On June 25, 2024, Regina Watteel, PhD, was our special guest at an online member meeting. Dr. Watteel is the author of Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science, published in November 2023. 

Dr. Watteel is a statistician who was concerned about the quality of the ‘science’ that was being used to support governments’ response to the virus. We are grateful to Dr. Watteel for joining us as our guest. 

As the promotional material for her book explains:

“Throughout the pandemic we’ve witnessed a slide from objective clinical research to easily manipulated “real-world” studies to purely fictional simulations completely detached from reality. “Consensus” (aka groupthink) quickly replaced scientific scrutiny and civil discourse plummeted. It became difficult to discern scientific recommendations from political talking points.

On April 25, 2022 a very dangerous line was crossed. Leaders in the Canadian research and medical community rubber-stamped a clearly fraudulent study. Its overarching purpose: to use “science” to justify discrimination, sow hatred and reinterpret the notion of inalienable rights.

Within hours of the study’s official publication, dozens of articles in top national papers flooded Canada warning of the dire risk of merely hanging out with unvaccinated people — selfish souls who refused to accept the new genetic COVID-19 vaccines. The “unvaccinated” were compared to carriers of syphilis, intoxicated drivers and reckless individuals who had no regard for others.

Can’t get an operation? Blame the unvaccinated! The “science” says so.

But did it? This book examines:

  • The man, the politics and the intent behind the faux study.
  • How researchers concocted results to overwrite reality & scapegoat the unvaccinated.
  • The Establishment’s willingness to go along with the fraud.
  • How political ideology fed into the analysis.
  • How the research is being used to swindle Canadians out of their Charter rights & freedoms.”


BCPS Employees for Freedom is a registered not-for-profit society in the Province of British Columbia. We are a diverse group of public servants who stand together for medical privacy and bodily autonomy to protect our colleagues, families, the communities we serve and future generations. Read more About us.

We are leading a legal campaign to bring about accountability and justice for the B.C. government’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate for BC Public Service employees that resulted in hundreds of unnecessary wrongful terminations, thousands of early retirements, and the violation of 38,000 public servants’ medical privacy and bodily autonomy. We hold regular member meetings and advocate on behalf of current and former public servants of municipal, provincial and federal government organizations, and publicly funded non-governmental organizations, in British Columbia.

We invite everyone who supports our cause to join with us to protect and advance the rights and freedoms of all British Columbians.

To become a member, please visit our membership page. To support our legal campaign, please visit our donation page.